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Governmental Affairs Committee

Irrespective of one’s political bent, the governmental process impacts all facets of life In Miami-Dade County, with nearly 40 municipalities and as a literal epicenter of the State and National political process, it is crucial to have access and visibility within these different constituencies.

The Governmental Affairs Committee advocates for key issues that impact both the business community and our community as a whole.  Committee objectives include furthering the process of in-person advocacy, ensuring that the Chamber has a continuous voice in the political process, and supporting members' causes and needs for advocacy.  Participation in the Governmental Affairs Committee is open to all Chamber members in good standing.  Committee members include businesses and organizations with strong interests in the political process, business professionals, elected officials, and individuals seeking a voice in the governmental process.  The advocacy strategies are informed by committee members and developed by a core group of professionals.

To learn more or to get involved, please tap here to connect with a committee staff liaison today.



Giovanni Castro - Featured Image

Giovanni Castro

Manager, State & Local Public Policy - Amazon

Kelly Penton Chacon - Featured Image

Kelly Penton Chacon

Senior Director Public & Executive Communications - Carnival Cruise Lines

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