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Industry Growth Group

The Group provides programming, education and issues management to support business development and job growth in Greater Miami

At the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, our committees are organized into four key categories: Industry Growth Group, Urban Community Growth Group, International Business Group, and Leadership Programs Group.  Each group operates under the dedicated volunteer leadership of Group Chairs and Vice Chairs.

Engagement in these committees not only provides members with a deeper understanding of these issues but also allows them to contribute to the public dialogue. This collaboration helps the Chamber create effective programming that enhances business and industry development throughout the community.  Participation in these Committees is open to all Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce members in good standing who have interests or concerns related to these industries. 

To learn more or to get involved in one or more of our program committees, please tap here to connect with a committee staff liaison today.


Jay Pelham - Featured Image

Jay Pelham

President - Kaufman Rossin Wealth

Alex Binelo - Featured Image

Alex Binelo

Partner - DPB

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