New World Center Committee
The New World Center Committee was established in the mid-1980s by Alvah H. Chapman, then-publisher of the Miami Herald, to position Miami as a global center due to its strategic location. The committee played a key role in shaping Miami's urban core, and 40 years later, it continues to address major issues impacting the downtown area and its future development. Its mission focuses on guiding growth in Downtown Miami, tackling challenges such as affordability, workforce housing, homelessness, traffic, and sea-level rise, and promoting urban areas that enhance residents' quality of life and attract new economy businesses
Participation in the New World Center Committee is open to all chamber members in good standing who have interests or concerns in this arena. Committee members include a broad range of professionals, real estate professionals, urban-based businesses, schools, incubators and individuals, along with educational and civic organizations.
To learn more or to get involved, please tap here to connect with a committee staff liaison today.
Javier Betancourt
Executive Director - Miami-Dade County Citizens Independent Transportation Trust (CITT)
- Host eleventh annual Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Award of Excellence honoring an Outstanding Young Leader, Organization, and Individual. Grow event sponsorship and attendance by 10%.
- Establish the Miami 2050 initiative led by Miami leaders in various related industries to develop a vision and a comprehensive development plan addressing issues impacting the urban core and helping coordinate the urban development along the Biscayne Blvd corridor from downtown to Little Haiti.
- Participate in the Miami Downtown Development Authority’s upcoming Downtown Master Plan and Development of Regional Impact efforts.
- Engage the committee by organizing quarterly tours and forums that educate and advance issue areas that impact downtown Miami.
- Recruit and engage (15) new GMCC member downtown stakeholders and organizations to join the committee.
- Continue to advocate for the Underdeck (a.k.a. Friends of the Underdeck) and participate in the Underdeck committee.
- Engage education stakeholders by showcasing downtown College & University programs and hosting an open house at Miami Dade College Wolfson campus and Florida International University Brickell campus, in collaboration with Education & Workforce Development Committee and other relevant Chamber committees.
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